Privacy Policy
This website ( is committed to protecting the privacy of all visitors to this website.
E-mails to are deleted once they have been dealt with.
The site does not collect personal information except in the case of Stephen Dafoe’s newsletter. E-mail addresses of subscribers to newsletters are used exclusively for that purpose. Subscribers have the opportunity to opt-out of the email list by clicking the link in each mailing.
We do not share our e-mail subscriber addresses with or advertisers or any outside organization. uses Google Analytics and WordPress Analytics to record our overall web traffic and to monitor specific details on peak times and peak content. We do this to gather data on the types of content our visitors are most interested in hearing about. Google Analytics provides us with NO access to personal information.
Comments made on any of the blog articles are public.
Third-party vendors, including Google, Amazon, LuLu, use cookies to serve ads based on a user’s prior visits to websites.